Monthly Archives: June 2014

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This post is in reply to the blog of Thomas L. Horrocks. Follow the link to read his post. Yo Thomas, I am glad to see that you are applying some of that Greek knowledge…lol. Luke is not the easiest book to translate for sure. But I checked through your translation and I think it is pretty good. I like it. I do not have any real critiques of your work. Well done my friend!…haha. BTW you should have referenced your translation among the professional ones.  🙂 The “Annunciation,” as it has been commonly called in Christian history,­ is really an amazing part of the Gospel story. I thought about a few different things that I have not considered before as I read through it again recently. One thing that stuck out in my mind was that when the angel proclaimed to Mary that she will conceive a child in […]

“My observation of Christendom is that most of us tend to base our relationship with God on our performance instead of on His grace. If we performed well—whatever ‘well’ is in our opinion—then we expect God to bless us. If we haven’t done so well, our expectations are reduced accordingly. In this sense, we live by works, rather than by grace. We are saved by grace, but we are living by the ‘sweat’ of our own performance….Moreover, we are always challenging ourselves and one another to ‘try harder.’ We seem to believe success in the Christian life (however we define success) is basically up to us: our commitment, our discipline, and our zeal, with some help from God along the way. We give lip service to the attitude of the Apostle Paul, ‘but by the grace of God I am what I am (1 Cor. 15:10), but our unspoken motto […]