Monthly Archives: May 2015

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Pentecost – The Festival of Shavuot Date: May 16, 2015 Audio Sermon: Click on the play button below. The festival of Shavuot (Pentecost) is one of the 7 annual festivals of Israel. It is also known as the Feast of Weeks or the Feast of Harvest. Moreover, Shavuot is one of the 3 Shalosh Regalim (“pilgrimage festivals”) where male Israelites were required to travel to the temple at Jerusalem. Shavuot is celebrated 50 days after the Day of First Fruits (15th of Nisan) in late spring at the time when the wheat was ready to be harvested. It is a special festival for Israel as it signifies God’s provision for his people following their deliverance and exodus from slavery in Egypt. It is traditionally held that God gave the Torah to Israel 50 days after leaving Egypt, and through the giving of manna and Torah in the wilderness, God provided […]